Unmute Set Volume

Toggle mute

Hey Google, | Alexa, toggle mute on my computer

What does it do?

Toggles mute on your computer - if muted, it will unmute, otherwise it will mute!

Enable applets

Pick your cloud service

Google Drive
Dark OneDrive logo

Choose the right applet for you

Google Assistant white logo
Toggle mute on computer

Default applet for Google Assistant

Enable on IFTTT
Amazon Alexa white logo
Toggle mute on computer

Default applet for Amazon Alexa

Enable on IFTTT

Customize & explore

This section is for those who wish to modify this action.

This action was added in v0.1.0

This is actually the same action as mute, with the parameter set to false, meaning "unmute";

Parameters: optional:

  • %bool%
    • Description: Whether to "mute" or "unmute". If no parameter is set the action is a toggle (if muted it unmutes, if unmuted it mutes)
    • Type: boolean (true/false)

Wanna know more? There might be some hidden gems in the official documentation for this action!